It's a difficult feeling to articulate, but the rally felt like separate tribes of pandering politicians. Brownie points for whining hangers on. Not too proud to nag for endorsements. Did they really hate the crowd? Why was MTG there in Ohio? How tyrants create divisions. Some cannot speak without being told what to say. Hiring and casting like actors. Handled carefully every step of the way. Eerie nuns dislike video. Most people were there just to see the President. All the hangers on are repugnant. First interactions are important. The spices around you are the ones we use. Is religion about to change. For the record, Allah means God. Is the Koran the book of Satan? Asking yourself about faith, means knowing yourself well. What Reagan stood for. Many only want an identity to adhere to. Today's parallels to biblical times are striking. With faith and preparation we prepare to build the next chapter. Remember, no one can cancel he truth.

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