It was always about controlling free citizens, and here is how they did it. Ushering us into enslavement. Spoon feeding the obvious to the never truthers. A planned event. Hillary, Bill, Jim, James, John and all the others. Think Congress and Senate. So many traitors facilitated and capitalized. Visa corruption in foreign locales. Not about left or right, but good and evil. The 911 perps still rule. Never forget? 20 years later, same questions. Fear is the vehicle for loss of rights. They perfected it all in other countries. Where would a whistle blower have gone? They own the media. Bio-warfare was the next step, now it's VAX weapons. Real press were attacked. Voting systems designed to ensure extended control. Own nothing and be happy. A new 911 review should be about accountability and truth. Bannon talks our strategy. J6 teasers. Lights, camera, insurrection. Stay focused and be strong. Sometimes we have to start way back at the beginning to really fix things.

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