In this episode, we sit down with musician Matty Connolly.  Matty tells us about some of his youngest memories that launched his love for music and his start playing instruments.  Matty plays guitar in Euclid and drums in Shapethrower.  We get a full breakdown of the timeline and creation of each band.  Matty explains the difference between the two and what it is like to manage his time and resources between both projects.  He explains his logic with the way he writes songs and how certain elements can make a song of any genre appealing to someone, even if it is not their preferred taste in music.  We also take a deep dive into gear, 7-string guitars, and all the work and patience involved in achieving the ultimate heavy low tuning. Be sure to check out Euclid’s full-length Revilement, which came out this past June, and be on the lookout for Shapethrower’s upcoming release in the next few months! Both bands have some upcoming gigs that you can find info for on their socials.

@euclidofficial // @shapethrowerma // @mtthwcnnlly