Show: 028 Top Priority Podcast | **Just in Time** Facebook, Twitter, and THAT Hunter Biden Story 

Date Recorded: October 21, 2020 

Host: Duane Lester, Manager of Issue Education, Grassroots Leadership Academy 

Guests: Jesse Blumenthal, VP of Tech & Innovation, Stand Together 


The New York Post released an investigative report on the corruption of Hunter Biden and Big Tech responded. min [1:30] The Stand Together Principles for Continued Tech Leadership: Possible under US laws and Based in American Values min [17:28] Tech Giants need to shape up on data and speech 

Additional Resources  

7 Principles for Reforming Section 230 (and none include policing internet speech) What 20 Years of Internet Law Teaches Us about Innovation Policy by Adam Thierer Ep 005 Top Priority | **Just in Time** Section 230 of Communications Decency Act