Show: 024 Top Priority Podcast | Anti-SLAPP Laws in Tech and Innovation 

Date Recorded: September 21, 2020 

Host: Duane Lester, Manager of Issue Education, Grassroots Leadership Academy 

Guests: Billy Easley, Senior Policy Analyst, Americans for Prosperity Foundation 


The Stand Together Community VISION for digital free speech. min [2:08] Anti-SLAPP = strategic lawsuit against public participation. min [3:39] "Lawfare” as a way to silence to people with whom you disagree. min [6:05] How does SLAPP manifest itself in society? min [7:44] 


Additional Resources  

Anti-SLAPP Laws Protect Your Right to Speak Out by Billy Easley  Can you be sued for your retweets?  by Billy Easley Ep 010 Top Priority | Tech and Innovation Priority Initiative Ep 022 Top Priority | Technophobia Our privacy is on the clock by Billy Easley The Stand Together Community