Show: 017 Top Priority Podcast | Cronyism

Date Recorded: January 16, 2020

Host: Duane Lester, Manager of Issue Education, Grassroots Leadership Academy 

Guests: Michael Lambert, Policy Analyst of Corporate Welfare, Americans for Prosperity

Show Notes & Timestamps

What is Cronyism? In short, Cronyism is government picking winners and losers. min [2:14]Cronyism, as our Community understands it, includes three subsets: min [3:45]Financial handouts to include: subsidies, tax incentives, loan guarantees, and bailoutsRegulatory preference to include: monopolies, government mandates,Protectionism to include: tariffs and quotas 

Through the lens of our Vision, we exist to break barriers, what barriers are created by financial handouts? min [5:05]In The Law Frederic Bastiat discusses the seen versus the unseen; what are the unseen costs of government financial handouts to companies like Amazon? min [6:41] How do financial handouts for sports stadiums hurt people in communities? min [10:33] What is the STC perspective on tax credits? min [12:45] How does regulatory preference kill innovation and hurt people? min [14:24] Is Cronyism a set of barriers disguised as opportunities? min [23:17] Government favoritism is a corrupting force because it erodes the belief in voluntary exchange and distorts the power free people in free markets. min [26:17] How our Community views Cronyism through the lens of the second mutually-reinforcing principle—Mutual Benefit. min [28:56]How does Cronyism discourage innovation and competition? min [30:36]Because of the explosion of innovation, farmers in New Zealand now argue against farm subsidies! min [32:53]  How our Community views Cronyism through the lens of the first mutually-reinforcing principle—Equal Rights. min [33:37]How our Community views Cronyism through the lens of the third mutually-reinforcing principle—Openness. min [37:20]How our Community views Cronyism through the lens of the fourth mutually-reinforcing principle—Self-Actualization. min [38:48]

**Additional Resource**

FREE copy of The Law by Frederic BastiatFREE copy of Animal Farm by George Orwell: “Some animals are more equal than others.”We reject the false choice of being pro-business or anti-business, “Instead [we] oppose when business lobbies government for special favors and rigs the system to protect their profits. This wastes resources, disrespects customers, and is unfair to taxpayers. At the same time, we celebrate principled entrepreneurship that creates real value for people, long term. That’s what we’re after” —Charles Koch—