Show: 015 Top Priority Podcast | Right to Work & Economic Opportunity Priority Initiative  

Date Recorded: January 29, 2020

Host: Duane Lester, Manager of Issue Education, Grassroots Leadership Academy 

Guests: Erica Jedynak, Director of Employment Initiatives, Stand Together 

Austen Bannan, Senior Policy Analyst of Employment Policy, Americans for Prosperity

Show Notes & Timestamps

What does Right to Work mean? min [1:24]Which states are Right to Work States? min [1:50]Is someone forced to join a union if they don’t live in a Right to Work state? min [4:22] What is our Stand Together community position on Right to Work? min [7:49]What is our Community’s principled response to the “free rider” argument? min [8:28]Is there a libertarian case against Right to Work? min [11:17]How our Community views Right to Work through the lens of our Vision—to break barriers. min [14:50] How our Community views Right to Work through the lens of the first mutually-reinforcing principle—Equal Rights. min [21:12]

**The violation of Equal Rights is Unions somehow get a “super status” making them more important than others under the law.**

How our Community views Right to Work through the lens of the second mutually-reinforcing principle—Mutual Benefit. min [22:34]

**For win-win to be possible, all parties have to voluntarily enter into the relationship.**

What about the people who say Right to Work is just about union busting? min[24:48] How our Community views Right to Work through the lens of the third mutually-reinforcing principle—Openness. min [28:52]How does Right to Work impact innovation in the workplace? min [31:09]How our Community views Right to Work through the lens of the fourth mutually-reinforcing principle—Self-Actualization. min [31:55]Looking into the future, what could be the role of unions? min [38:25]