Show: 013 Top Priority Podcast | Healthcare Priority Initiative  

Date Recorded: December 17, 2019

Host: Duane Lester, Manager of Issue Education, Grassroots Leadership Academy 

Guests: Charlie Katebi, Health Policy Analyst, Americans for Prosperity

Elliott Fox, Director of Healthcare Initiatives, Stand Together

Show Notes & Timestamps

What is our Stand Together Community doing in the Healthcare space? min [3:45]What external barriers keep people from accessing quality, affordable Health Care? min [7:20]

** What is Certificate of Need? How is it a barrier to accessing quality, affordable Health Care? min [7:35]

** What is Scope of Practice and how are Scope of Practice revisions removing barriers? min [14:07] 

** What are the barriers to Telemedicine  that need to be removed? min [21:40]

What internal barriers keep people from accessing affordable Health Care? min [24:44] How our Community views Health Care through the lens of the first mutually-reinforcing principle—Equal Rights. min [36:45]

**The violation of Equal Rights is forcing practitioners to beg for permission from the government to care for patients who want the service.**

How our Community views Healthcare through the lens of the second mutually-reinforcing principle—Mutual Benefit. min [38:48]

**We value win-win solutions for patients and doctors.**

How our Community views Healthcare through the lens of the third mutually-reinforcing principle—Openness. min [41:22]How our Community views Healthcare through the lens of the fourth mutually-reinforcing principle—Self-Actualization. min [42:50]How to think about Healthcare solutions through the lens of “What if government didn’t do that?” min [44:17] 

**Additional Resource**

Pessimists Archive Podcast hosted by Jason FeiferEconTalk Podcast hosted by Russ Roberts with Dr. Keith Smith on Free Market Health CareDr. Keith Smith’s blog at Surgery Center of OklahomaThe Free Market Medical AssociationFrom Mutual Aid to the Welfare State: Fraternal Societies and Social Services, 1890-1967 by David Beito