Show: 008 Top Priority Podcast | Immigration Priority Initiative  

Date Recorded: January 28, 2020

Host: Duane Lester, Manager of Issue Education, Grassroots Leadership Academy 

Guests: Jorge Lima, Senior Vice President of Policy, Americans for Prosperity

Show Notes & Timestamps

What does our Community believe about Immigration? min [1:52]

We Stand Together to help every person rise—and we believe that every person has the ability to contribute.

How are governmental restrictions on immigration barriers for Americans too? min [9:12]Our Community wants an immigration system that is open to those who want to contribute and add value to America and keeps out those who seek to do American harm. min [10:48]

The proper role of government is to protect the rights of the individual—thus the proper role of the government on the border is to protect America from those who seek to do us harm.

Our Community advocates for a secure border and a streamlined system of vetting immigration because a convoluted, complicated legal immigration system, inadvertently incentivizes illegal immigration and diverts resources away from protecting the country from those who seek to do us harm. min [13:10] How does our Community approach Immigration through the framework of our Vision—transforming society by breaking barriers? min [21:03]

**Our border shouldn’t be a barrier to human flourishing, Our border should be a barrier only to those who want to harm Americans. The boarder exists to provide protection and safety for Americans and an orderly place of entry into the American experiment.**

The Stand Together Community