Due to some geographical problems we forgot to do a show for 3 years but now we're back and this is a special episode catching up on what we've been doing utilising the very worst microphone Jon could find. We've got a normal top ten list show in the can and we'll get that up in a few days time. We're also asking for some more top ten lists, fire them over to [email protected] - even if you've sent one before chances are we've lost track of it; so get writing.

Nothing has changed on www.topofthepods.com, however we've just started an official Top of the Pods Facebook page, while you are on there check out Jons wookie profile pic and Robs Fonz profile pic. Add us on Facebook, pester us to do shows on our wall and we'll do them - it really is that simple; sorry it's been so long. Enjoy.

Tech Tags: uk podcasts uk podcast podcast top of the pods top 10 top ten top 10 list top ten list topofthepodsWeb: http://www.topofthepods.com

Email: [email protected]

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