The only constant is change. 
And that change is happening these days at an unprecedented pace. Wealth transfer, the rise of the younger generations, the arrival of artificial intelligence, and the maturing landscape of financial planning. 

The only constant is change. 

And that change is happening these days at an unprecedented pace. Wealth transfer, the rise of the younger generations, the arrival of artificial intelligence, and the maturing landscape of financial planning. 

In this episode, Matt Halloran is joined by Lindsay Troxell – speaker and founder of the value-add platform Our Coaching Initiative – to talk about the need for advisors to evolve in order to stay competitive. Her mission is to help financial advisors offer a human-first approach to wealth and health. 

Matt & Lindsay discuss:

Why curiosity is the secret sauce for problem solving and personal growth
How to recognize the difference between saying you’re different and truly standing out 
Why AI is a valuable tool and not a threat to your practice
Thoughts > Emotions > Actions > Results
How millennials and Gen Z differ from boomers in their wants and needs
The impact of the impending (massive) wealth transfer
How to decide between doing this yourself and outsourcing it
Why effective communication skills are just as important for your team as your clients, and how you can give yourself a quick assessment with AI
And more

“Life planning to me is when you are sitting down and understanding where people want to go in the future, but then walking them back and coming to this true roadmap of how they’re going to get there.” ~Lindsay Troxell


PodRocket Influence Academy (Enroll for FREE)
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Website: George Kinder Institute of Life Planning
Top Advisor Marketing Podcast: Playing Therapist? With Ashley Quamme
Podcast: Every Day is a Saturday
Ebook: Activating the Advice Value Stack
Conference: Carson Excell
LinkedIn: Burt White
Conference: Future Proof
LinkedIn: Dani Fava

Connect with Lindsay Troxell:

LinkedIn: Lindsay Troxell
Website: Our Coaching Initiative
LinkedIn: Our Coaching Initiative

Connect with ProudMouth:

Do you want to podcast? Book a call with our Influence Engineers to get started!
LinkedIn: Matt Halloran
Twitter: Matt Halloran
LinkedIn: ProudMouth
Facebook: ProudMouth
Twitter: ProudMouth
YouTube: ProudMouth

About Lindsay Troxell:

Since 2005, Lindsay Troxell has been working with financial advisors and teams in the United States and Europe, focusing on various aspects of their profession, including practice management, business development, client experience, team dynamics, and mindset. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit in 2020, Lindsay recognized the need for financial advisors to provide more holistic support to their clients, addressing not only financial matters but also their well-being and mental health in an uncertain world. Many advisors struggled to make this shift, and Lindsay began receiving requests to help clients and team members deal with personal challenges brought about by the “new normal”, such as remote work, homeschooling, job loss, stress, overwhelm, and burnout. This led to the realization that the financial industry was ready and eager to integrate coaching with wealth management. In response, Lindsay founded “Our Coaching Initiative,” a platform where Financial Advisors, their teams, and clients can access coaching to create more fulfilling lives. Lindsay acknowledges that she, too, is a human being with her own goals and struggles, which contributes to her effectiveness as a coach, driven by a deep curiosity about the science of emotions and their impact on our lives.

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