Do you want to do content marketing, but you feel burdened by compliance?

To help set you free, Matt Halloran talks to Max Schatzow, an attorney at Stark & Stark and founder of In this episode, they help you find the happy medium where you’re not bogged down by compliance in your marketing pursuit but are still being a fully compliant business. They also discuss the benefits of outsourcing the compliance aspect of your business so you can focus on what you do best.

You will learn:

How to create an infrastructure that allows you to pursue podcasting without the stress of compliance
What the new SEC ruling entails –– and its implications for your marketing
Why advisors need to be extra careful when selecting share classes for mutual funds
Reasons to reconsider using performance advertising in your marketing strategy
How Max helps advisors manage risks to meet compliance standards
And more!

Tune in to learn how to pursue content marketing while staying completely compliance-friendly.

Resources: ProudMouth | Matt Halloran on LinkedIn | Influence Accelerator Academy | Max Schatzow on LinkedIn | Email Max | Stark & Stark | AdviserCounsel | SEC Amends Advertising and Solicitation Rules