Throughout the podcast, host Matt Halloran has been forunate to sit down with a variety of authors speaking to various niches in the financial market. However, one thing everyone is discussing is the ever sought after comfortable retirement. Today's guest, is an early retirement expert. What makes him so proflic when it comes to retiring? He's 48, and retired.

Joining Matt today is Eric Gaddy, recent retiree, and newly published author of Retire Early -What are you waiting for? Eric spent 24 years as a financial professional before retiring last year and taking on this new adventure of being a thought leader. Matt and Eric sit down to talk shop about his upcoming book, along with his book marketing tactics (some of which will make your jaw drop).

If you're looking to challenge the retirement norm, for yourself or your clients, be sure to listen in today and pick up a copy of Eric's new book, now available on Amazon!

LINKS: Eric Gaddy LinkedIn | Retire Early - What are you waiting for? | Retire Early 365