Nobody knows the power of a podcast like a podcast host.

Today, Matt Halloran welcomes Ben Jones, the host of the Better Conversations. Better Outcomes podcast and the managing director and head of intermediary at BMO Global Asset Management. At BMO, Ben leads a team of sales and service professionals to deliver investment solutions to intermediaries such as RAI’s, broker-dealers, and other investment managers.  

To get the word out about the great work his team does, Ben hosts a bi-weekly podcast called Better Conversations. Better Outcomes, where he provides listeners with actionable content to help propel their practice in different areas of wealth management. Today, Ben shares more about his strategies behind his podcast, and how he makes it as valuable as possible for listeners.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

About Ben’s role at BMO
Why Ben believes that better conversations lead to better outcomes for advisors and their clients
Three areas of conversation Ben and his team aim to enhance
The importance of putting the content you’re marketing first
Why Ben believes financial services is a noble profession
And more!

Tune in now to learn more about Ben, BMO Global Asset Management, and the power of podcasting with great content!

Resources: Top Advisor Marketing /  BMO GAM/Better Conversations/ Tickle Monster

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