Great Waters Financial has truly achieved branding excellence. And today, Matt is bringing you some behind-the-scenes insight into just how they did it.

In today’s episode, our friends Austin Schmitt and Elijah Kovar, partners of Great Waters Financial, are here to share their secrets, starting with how they stay in control of their brand message while operating several locations accross the state of Minnesota.  

In this episode, you will learn:

An exercise to help you answer: What kind of story do you want to have told about you?
How to get down to the core of your brand message
Which part of the branding process usually trips people up
Why a mission statement is not a marketing message
Ideas for building your mission into your culture (even if you have a big team)
What percentage of Great Water Financial’s annual revenue is spent on marketing
Why your marketing budget should be the last thing you cut
And more!

Tune in now to learn tried-and-true strategies for uncovering your brand message and making it shine across several locations!

Resources: Great Waters Financial | Great Waters Financial Facebook Page |