E133 houses a new segment called Two Likes & Two Dislikes highlight the career of Steven Spielberg as well as two reviews for "Ready Player One" and "A Quiet Place."

Show Notes:

00:20 - He Makes Two Movies a Year

04:06 - Finding New Segments

06:18 - Segment I: Two Likes & Two Dislikes

06:49 - "Always"

08:52 - Holly Hunter

11:00 - Big Themes

14:24 - "Saving Private Ryan"

14:55 - Mechanics and the D-Day Sequence

17:33 - A Fictional Layer

19:52 - "A.I.: Artificial Intelligence"

22:53 - The First Act

25:09 - "Jurassic Park"

25:37 - The Book

32:20 - Segment II: "Ready Player One" Review

33:42 - Weighed Down

35:26 - Nostalgia Skins

38:58 - The Overlook Hotel

40:48 - Real or Fictional

43:20 - The Message

46:13 - You Can't Keep Going Back

47:31 - Segment III: "A Quiet Place" Review

48:30 - Conservative Values

51:27 - Taking Advantage of Sound

53:36 - Having Babies

58:04 - Family Survival