I am completely trilled to have been at Sony when these three amazing Sups were under one roof, so I could grab them for a chat! When I was working at Sony, Alan was in LA. Pete was here in Vancouver and Josh was up every other week or so. It was a spot of […]

I am completely trilled to have been at Sony when these three amazing Sups were under one roof, so I could grab them for a chat!

When I was working at Sony, Alan was in LA. Pete was here in Vancouver and Josh was up every other week or so. It was a spot of luck that Alan was down on one of the weeks we had Josh – I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to grab all three for the podcast! Josh is just starting out as a supervisor, Alan has some experience behind him now with Hotel Transylvania 2 (he’s now supervising on Smurfs) and Pete is a veteran animator, who has supervised on a number of movies to date.

Enjoy the podcast folks, feel free to comment. It’s always great to hear your thoughts :)