Disruptions in the school day, everyone has them. But what do you do when your biggest disruption is your homeschooler. In this series Chaz and Christie discuss some of the most common disruptive behaviors and share tips for getting back control of your homeschool.

Todays podcast focuses on the Deflector. These homeschoolers have a wide range of tools they can use to disassemble even the best planned school day. They ask questions that are off topic and are hard to answer, give tidbits of knowledge on subjects that have nothing to do with what you are talking about, and will argue with you over facts that are totally irrelevant to the discussion. And they can get so stuck on these facts, arguments, and questions that you can't pry their brains away from their topic of interest. 

As an adult who was homeschooled and the mom who taught him, Chaz and Christie have a unique perspective as ones who have been where you are, both as a teacher and as a homeschooled student. Listen as they describe life with a deflector in the classroom and some of the funny and unique disruptions that it caused through their homeschool adventure. Also, hear some of the things that Christie discovered to bring order back from chaos as she learned how to work with her own deflecting homeschooler.