Homeschooling boys. Somedays there's nothing  better - other days it's like pulling your teeth out. A million times a day do you find yourself asking:

Why can't he just sit still and pay attention?Why does he zone out and act like he's not even there?Why are there rocks, sticks and unrecognizable things in his pockets all the time?How do I get my son excited about his school day?Why does it seem so much harder to teach him than my daughter?What do I do with all that energy?How is he ever going to be able to manage a desk job/college when he gets older?

If you find yourself asking these questions, then you are in the right place. As a adult who was once a homeschooled boy himself, Chaz has insight into what it means to be a boy in the educational environment. Despite all his energy growing up, which hasn't really gone away, Chaz has learned to manage college and a desk job career by embracing his need to move, with his responsibilities in the workplace. Your son can do the same.

In this podcast Chaz, and his mom, Christie, will use research to describe to you what is going on inside your son's brain, and share some of their methods for waking up boys minds. Using their personal experience homeschooling three boys, Chaz and Christie will teach you the best method of homeschooling boys: Time and Training. 

They will be discussing:

Causes of misbehavior in boysHow to add movements and physical activity into your dayHow to train your son to find ways to add small movements into his day, even when he must sit quietly How to teach your boy how to read a situation and know how to respond in a way that keeps his mind engage 

We look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions for educating boys.