Leighton Fields our talented, amazing musician and singer is back and this time he shares his incredible life story.
This guy with the hipster vibe who writes all his own music grew up in Lenore, Texas with a population of less than 60 people. He left there to have more opportunities.
His journey with music is an interesting one. He started in a Christian Heavy Metal band, then moved to Galveston with his guitar and joined a country band.
After that he became a professional model and put his music on hold for a short period of time.
Now he travels as a solo musician and is working on a Soul/Blues album at Modern Electric Studio with producer Jason Burt.
He shares his worst trip of his entire life in Nashville because of a girl.
He teaches us how to release music the right way on the Internet.
Leighton is on the worship team at Fellowship Church which is a huge Blessing to him. He tried out for the TV Show the Voice and made it to the finals but after praying about the situation he decided to stay back and stay with Fellowship Church.
We discuss dating as a single guy and he is a super old fashioned southern gentleman that wants to court girls. We discuss how hard dating is with all the apps and the internet. Women in general are not demanding respect from guys. They make it way too easy and guys take advantage of the situation.
We end the show with Leighton singing a beautiful, original love song that he wrote about a girl that he was in love with called I AM DOWN.