Sex Toys anyone? Nima Zarbin from the Spot Bouique, Sex Toy Store in Plano, TX stops by and the banter with the Too Posh girls is hilarious. Nima tells us that Bill Murray came to his store and bought a bunch of things. Tommy Lee from Motley Crue bought a solid gold Dildo with a hefty pricetag of $15,000. Josh Howard, Owen Wilson and Matt Damon are some more of his famous customers. Nima tells us that he was a professional drummer for the heavy metal band Slow Motion Redlights and toured 200 shows a year from 17 to 26 years old. He encourages everyone to watch the Netflix show Idiocracy because he and Spyder agree that the US has turned into that movie. He shares all his funny, crazy antics that sometimes get him in trouble with the neighborhood and the police. Marcella discusses the annoyance of getting way toooo many Dick pics on Instagram.