The Too Posh girls are super excited to welcome Mr. Bernie Diamond and Mr. Erin Barnes with Regevity Stem Cell Institute. We hear the traumatic and inspiring life story of Bernie. He tells us that he grew up sheltered and got sucked up in the Dallas Party Scene. After working at a bank he found his passion as a hair dresser and was working towards opening his own hair salon when tragedy struck. We hear all the vivid details of the fateful night when he got shot in a case of mistaken identity. With blood everywhere and his left hand dangling and only attached to tissue he ended up fighting for his life and hiding to avoid being shot more as the popping of gun shots continued around him. After spending 1 month at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, enduring dozens of surgeries to try to save his hand, they ended up amputating his left hand. At the same time both his Dad and brother got diagnosed with cancer.
He battled with depression for years trying to figure out what to do next. His dream of owning a hair salon and his whole future as he knew it were all destroyed in a single moment. The bible verse Psalm 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God” helped him get through those tough times and he was certain that God had a bigger plan for him. He got into the medical industry and is now co owner of the amazing Regevity Stem Cell Institute.