This show is super fun and you shouldn’t miss it. We learn lots and lots of things we never knew. We start the show discussing the Heather Locklear Drama and her being involuntarily held on the 5150 hold, due to mental illness because she may pose a danger to herself, others, or is gravely disabled and requires inpatient psychiatric care.
Then we talk about the crazy story of Bill and Sue Gross. A judge awarded Mrs. Gross their 20 Million Dollar Mansion in the divorce and her husband went nuts with anger and sprayed FART and PUKE spray all through the house and left dead fish in the air vents. This story results in hysterical laughter as we research these sprays. Then we share some revenge tactics that people can do to their exes if they are filled with rage after a breakup. Sugar Babies anyone???? We learn all about the Sugar Baby Convention that teaches women how to score one or several Sugar Daddies.
We find out what Salt Daddies are and the difference between a Sugar Baby and a prostitute. We are hysterically laughing about all the disturbing jobs Sugar Babies have to perform for their Sugar Daddies while they are supposed to remember their Bentley’s, Louboutin’s etc.