Gabrielle starts the show and is going on a tangent about guests that come on the show and are not completely honest and holding back on their stories and that the audience can tell when that happens. The fact that the guests do not share the social media quotes and soundbites is equally confusing and disappointing to the whole Too Posh Cast. Valerie is back for a 6th time and gives us an update on her life. She has been having a rough time the last few weeks. She tells us about losing a friendship over a garage sale issue. The most devastating news that have come out from the police report that she finally got to read from her husband’s suicide. The police report states some very absurd and mean accusations against Valerie.
Whitley tells us about her new job at talk about our fun photo shoot for our upcoming new Jet Set Collection under the direction of with photographers Bruce Chandler, and And Marcella’s photo shoot with We have a very extensive, fun discussion and very strong opinions about the New Miss America changes.