Get ready for an emotionally charged and uplifting episode of the Too Posh Podcast as we continue our journey with the incredible Selwa Mitchell. In this episode, Selwa shares the heartwarming story of a pregnant mother fighting to keep her baby girl, who has Cystic Fibrosis, healthy even before birth. With the groundbreaking drug Trikafta, this mother is defying the odds, showing just how close we are to a cure for CF.

Selwa reflects on the transformative power of Trikafta, a drug that came too late for her but is miraculously healing the lungs of other CF patients. She dreams of the day she can return to the Bahamas, where the saltwater has always been her sanctuary.

This episode dives deep into Selwa’s journey: the bittersweet memories of missed opportunities with Trikafta, the claustrophobic struggle of breathing with only 32% lung function, and the excruciating pain post-transplant. Yet, through it all, Selwa’s spirit remains unbroken, bolstered by her faith, her family, and her beloved brother who is her rock.

Selwa and her husband Scott share poignant moments and invaluable advice for anyone battling illness or supporting a loved one. Scott’s steadfast love and unwavering support shine through, proving that a solid support system can make all the difference.

Selwa’s words of wisdom resonate powerfully: cherish every breath, stay present, and never take life for granted. Whether you’re stuck in traffic or facing life’s toughest challenges, remember to breathe deeply and appreciate the gift of life.

Join us for a heartfelt episode filled with inspiration, love, and the relentless pursuit of health and happiness. Selwa’s story is not just about surviving Cystic Fibrosis; it is a testament to the human spirit’s resilience, the power of family, and the miracles that love and faith can achieve.

Follow Selwa's journey and be inspired:

Facebook: Selwastrong
Instagram: Selwayoga
🌟🫁 #TooPoshPodcast #SelwaStrong #CysticFibrosis #Trikafta #OrganDonation #LoveAndResilience #Inspiration #NeverGiveUp