David Weiss from the flatearthdave.com App is back on the show and this time he is in the hot seat answering all his critics comments.
David acknowledges that we were all ignorant at one time until we learn.
He really encourages everyone to go and find the truth on their own, all he wants is that people start questioning things.

He wants everyone to do all the research but that he has already done it all for you. You can find everything on his app "FlatEarthDave.com"

Most doubters ask him what difference does it make? Dave says that it makes all the difference in the world to know where you really live.

He says emergency landings with planes throw everything off kilter and he gives us several examples. On his app there is a book called 16 emergency landings and they proof 100% that the globe is a lie.

Dave talks about the friend finder on his app and how this is the fastest growing truth out there.

Dave talks and explains the Nile River controversy. Dave believes that they have put our minds in prison.

Dave explains how the outer space is scientifically impossible.

We discuss Aliens, UFO's, and ancient map, Operation High Jump, Cargo Ships in Antarctica, the Nation of Kiribati, statistics of how fast this movement is growing, a Brazil survey where over 10 million people do not believe that the Earth is a globe, so many pilots coming out saying the Earth is flat, flight attendants participating in Facebook groups discussing the subject etc etc.

Dave answers many more comments and questions with ease/ he has all the answers immediately.

Cruz talks about Columbus and that there are still ancient carvings that the Earth is flat from years and years ago.

Dave talks about his incredible second summit the "EQUINOX SUMMIT". You can find it on the flatearthdave.com app and website. You don't want to miss it. There is nobody that can watch this summit and walk away a Globe Earther.

Stay tuned to Part 2 where we will accumulate points and ask all the questions about How Hardcore of a Truther Are You? You don't want to miss it. It was incredible.

Flat Earth Dave's Work:

Name: The Flat Earth Sun Moon and Zodiac App

The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app
Link to app: https://qrco.de/bbizVA

YouTube Channel - The Flat Earth Sun, Moon & Zodiac Clock app

A Playlist of Flat Earth Dave's recent interviews:

YouTube Channel: Deep Inside The Rabbit Hole (DITRH)

The Flat Earth Podcast

Flat Earth Dave's Contact info / Social Media Profiles:
web - FlatEarthDave.com OR TheFlatEarthPodcast.com
Twitter - theFEPodcast
Instagram - theFlatEarthPodcast
Facebook - https://facebook.com/theflatearthpodcast/