This show is a MUST LISTEN. We welcome Dallas’s one and only Amanda Murdock. Amanda talks about being adopted and growing up with a wonderful family and meeting her biological Mom and finding out that she also has a biological brother meeting him and loving and spoiling her nieces. Amanda, Marcella and Whitley start talking about sneaking out when they were teenagers. Amanda shares her sad story when her Mom got cancer and she moved to Oklahoma to take care of her.
Then we get into how Amanda moved to Dallas because she fell in love with a guy and the Dallas Nightlife. Amanda met Marcella at the same club her boyfriend was a bouncer and Marcella was a Go Go Dancer called Zouk, Dallas. We then refer back to Episode 15, when Marcella shared her abusive boyfriend story and that leads us to learning that Amanda dated an abusive boyfriend who actually was the ORIGINAL KING OF DALLAS. We then learn that he was the one that brought Marcella’s ex into this pretend Dallas Monarchy of Kings. Gabrielle wants to know all the qualifications it took to actually become a King of Dallas.
We learn that you had to be into, but not limited to steroids, cheetah hair, rhinestone belt buckles, side bitches, taking your shirt off in the club, standing on tables and swinging your shirt around etc etc. The main attraction to dating these royals was that you did not have to stand in line at the club. We then discuss that Amanda’s ex boyfriend was also very abusive and she is having a very hard time talking about it, because she is still protecting him.Speaking the truth is healing so Gabrielle asks Amanda more direct questions about the abuse and Amanda then does tell us that cheating, beatings, black eyes, choking etc were on the weekly menu. Police was never an option.
She talks about the one epic fight that led her to being hospitalized with a concussion and other injuries. After that she told her Dad and finally got away after 3 years of abuse and got her independence and became her own QUEEN OF DALLAS without the dreaded Kings. Her King however has apologized several times over the years and feels tremendous guilt about his actions and seems to be a changed man who is married and has 2 children.
Her advice to others is to leave immediately at the very first sign of any abuse or cheating. Gabrielle takes it one step further and tells everyone that if there is yelling or screaming or name calling or any disrespect at all, you leave immediately. No second chances. Marcella agrees and says that you cannot fix those actions and they will never change.