Detective Gomez from the TV Show Cheaters joins us and tells us how the TV producers found him and how he ended up on the show for years. He tells us how he went from being a police officer to becoming a private detective. He shares a very interesting story, while he was on a first date where he arrested someone at a movie theater. This is definitely worth listening. We discuss a recent case he was investigating about a married man with 4 children that left his family and was cheating with a stripper.
Then we discuss another case where a husband thinks he found his wife performing in a porn movie on XXX sites. We have a super fun conversation about a case he had to investigate at a nudist camp. We ask the question if men cheat more than women.
We discuss the signs to pay attention to if your other half is cheating. The the discussion turns to Marcella’s Mafia Godfather who was a bigamist and had 3 wives at one time. Marcella shares more details about her abusive ex boyfriends cheating ways.
Then I tell my story about my Mafia ex husband being in charge of getting prostitutes to meetings in Brussels, Miami etc.
Detective Gomez tells us that he was cheated on recently. We hear about lots of interesting investigation cases and one in particular devastating one when parents hired him to find out if their son was gay.