Marcella is proud to say that she is a survivor of 2 abusive relationships and wants to help all women.
In this episode Marcella shows incredible bravery as she shares her riveting story about the second time she fell into the grips of an abuser. It is her #metoo story. This relationship sadly lasted 4 years and when you hear her story, you will laugh and cry and just be left in complete disbelief by the sheer horror of it all. This abuser hailed himself the “King of Dallas”. In reality he was an evil monster that was fueled by severe drug, alcohol and steroid abuse.
Marcella’s intention of sharing her story in such detail is to warn all young girls and women of all ages to recognize the red flags and run before it is too late.
During the entire interview Marcella still showed signs of severe PTSD as she clinched her hands and arms the whole time. This is 7 years later and the impact these abusers have are devastating and last a lifetime.
Marcella vividly describes the traumatic, outrageous, abusive lifestyle with her monster ex boyfriend in the Dallas Party Scene that included non stop cheating, alcohol, drug, steroid abuse, porn addiction and so much more.
She talks about how she was always crying, and completely lost herself, and how he almost destroyed her as a person.
Marcella discusses the last time he called her awful curse words and yelled at her and she snapped. She thought he would kill her in that moment.
She also discusses the slow healing process and she remembers her dance students being a huge reason for keeping her sane and she choreographed a dance to Katy Perry’s song “By the grace of God”. Please watch this beautiful piece. Marcella designed the gorgeous costumes and Whitley created them. This is dedicated to all the abuse victims and survivors of domestic violence.