Claire Ames, a former food and travel writer, whose published works include creative non-fiction, cookbooks, columns, and articles, takes on history with her new novel, Victory Gazette out now on Kindle. 

Victory Gazette is a story of integrity and courage in a time of hardship and fear. Ames’ compassion for her characters is on full display as she delicately weaves the story set in the fictional Belgian village of Ledrens during World War II. Victory Gazette follows a young woman, Justine Bertrand, who writes and publishes an illegal Resistance newsletter from 1940 to1944.

Justine's journey into the Resistance starts with her family when her grandpa introduces her to the clandestine activities of spreading truthful news. A hidden typewriter and mimeograph machine produced the first editions of Victory Gazette and later V. Ames poignantly tells how messages were distributed secretly by members to inform the public about the true state of the war, countering Nazi propaganda after the media was taken over by the occupiers. The Resistance group known as Willow’s Branch, consists of various members, each playing specific, often secret roles. 

Crackdowns, arrests, and executions occur routinely. Justine’s brother and boyfriend become incarcerated at Fort Breendonk, a brutal political prison camp. Despite the dangers, Justine and the others persist, driven by a belief in the power of their voice and the importance of truth. Justine is betrayed and learns of her impending arrest, forcing her to flee her country…her home. Twenty years later she returns to Belgium and discovers who betrayed her.

Throughout Victory Gazette, Ames paints a vivid and often heart-wrenching picture of the lives of Justine and those who continued to report the truth. Their sacrifices clearly reflect the tension and uncertainty of the time. Ames’ description of Justine’s internal conflicts and her interactions with family and fellow Resistance members provides a deeply human perspective on the war and its impact on individuals and communities.

Victory Gazette opens in Fort Breendonk and delicately threads a prisoner's story throughout the novel. Readers will be drawn by the respect Ames gives to her characters. Victory Gazette is a passionate story of the power and the importance of the truth.


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