You can check out Marc's latest YouTube show, "Rockin with Marc", where else, but YouTube. Also, you can still buy his and Kristina's books on Amazon! Marc will be making another return on another "Sherpa Select" in the near future!


Book club, you say? Hey, if Oprah can do it ,so can I. Without the obscenely large paycheck, of course. Marc's incredibly lucky to be so talented and to have a talented family. Throughout the interview, i kept thinking in the back of my head, "If all of his daughters end up authoring their own books, won't he have a publishing cabal? And what an amazing talent in his daughter, Kristina!! At 11, I was purely focused on architecture and construction, myself. You know, building tree forts with Steven Nocar. I wonder how often Marc's daughters ask,"Read any good books lately?" Plus! MMA star or ninja? What will Kristina's podcast be? And where can I get a "Martial Artist on Premises" sign? (Ummm...asking for a friend...)

Marc's info: websites g. ; Twitter: @ marcbjjfighter

Marc's recommendations:The Joe Rogan Experience, Marc the Shark';s MMA Show

Sherpa Suggestions:

All The Books
The Bookshelf
I Don't Even Own A Television
Literary Disco

That's it for The Sherpa Sheet for this week! Only a few more shows until the Season 1 finale, so follow the show on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter! Listen on any podcast app, my website, or through TuneIn on an Alexa speaker! Thanks!


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