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1:50: A chicken update.
5:00: Clark’s Fork, short history of Pompey’s Pillar and Lewis and Clark.
7:40: Recap of Nat Geo’s special on Lewis and Clark.
9:35: Recap of Chicken People documentary.
12:50: We’re back and the Little Green Clean machine.
15:30: Incoherency and seedlings and growing plants.
18:57: Adversity stimulates growth and a study in James.
20:33: JR’s shoulder injury, resistance and strength training.
23:03: God designed us to make us strong through resistance.
24:38: Violin recitals, kid failures, and mom differences.
27:30ish: How hard do we push our kids?
27:50: A liberal bias and the way men are floundering in America.
30:28: High tolerance for spicy is a sign of high testosterone.
34:XX: The eradication of masculinity in pop culture.
36:35: Boys need the symmetry of men and women in the home.

Too Busy to Flush Telegram Group

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38:04: Tucker Carlson’s advice for young people.
41:30: Show Close

Too Busy to Flush Telegram Group
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