Show Open: Molly’s discombobulated, 4yo woes.
3:53 Titus makes breakfast sausage and our recipe/process.
7:48: Breakfast sandwich eggs differences.
9:25: Telegram group and show updates.
11:00: One pot pasta dinner from last night.
13:02: Nifty facts about pasta.
14:10: Chicken update, ideas about feeding them, fertilizer.
17:28: SNL references, casts, Chris Farley died at the age JR and Molly are now.
21:25: Judo complications with one of our girls, character development, taking’s seasons off.
28:13 Molly shocks J.R. by watching someone else’s kids!
32:06: Conversations with our girls about friendships- mankind is built for relationship with other human beings.
35:15: The challenge of being in relationship with others while recognizing that what we need is God -satisfaction in God alone.
39:15: God using seasons of relationships to shape our hearts and open our eyes to other outsiders and changing our perspective.
42:09: How to communicate these concepts to our kids.
44:45 JR responds with a few thoughts.
47:55: A David Powlison quote to close the show.

Too Busy to Flush Telegram Group

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49:33: Comments about Josh Butler’s article removed article from TGC.
54:23: Comments on the Chris Rock special comments on stuff that’s worth ingesting.
56:43: JR voices Playstation’s new VR game, Zenith as the villain.

Too Busy to Flush Telegram Group
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