Intro: JR’s shoulder update. ACL surgery recap, the brilliance of the human body.
7:56: Surgery during COVID, and the month of madness with sick kids.
11:47: First ever family destination ski vacation! 75mph + winds
15:22: Molly’s current homeschool studies. Children’s dustbowl era literature anyone?
16:52: Mahatma Ghandi: and meaning of “Mahatma” and the work still happens even if the worker morally failed.
19:36: “Christian Nationalism.”
23:28: Gandhi and India’s independence
25:57: A deep hypocrisy and we can honestly say the Declaration of Independence is true AND the authors were not acting in accord with their beliefs.
28:00: Complex outcomes of moral failings and assurance of salvation.
31:50: Falling into the trap of believing Christians won’t fail.
34:35: A cultural sifting of church leaders and a gossipy pastor’s wives Facebook group.
37:58: Sharing the things that are weighty when you’re strong enough to carry them.
41:07: If we obfuscate justice because we’re trying to protect ourselves, it’s a violation of scripture.
43:12: AI, deepfakes and you can’t trust anything you see anymore.
49:38: Nothing new under the sun and reorientation.
52:39: Go to the ant you sluggard! Termite architecture.
56:43: Chocolate milk recipe:  1/2c cocoa powder, 1/2c sugar, 1/2c hot water, 1/4t salt, splash of vanilla. Mix well and add to 1 gallon milk or store in the fridge as syrup. Recipe from Ruthann Zimmerman.
1:00:30: Tortilla maker!
1:01:53: Show Close

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