The Crossing No.30 from as aired in August 2021, featuring the better than legendary Fairport Convention. TRACK LISTING: Dai Ndakaziva - The Bhundu Boys; Mupfumi - John Chibadura & Tembo Brothers; Back to the Family - Jethro Tull; Sara - Bob Dylan; Spiralling - The Unthanks; This Place  - Joni Mitchell; I'll Keep It With Mine - Fairport Convention, w. Denny/Thompson; Genesis Hall - Fairport Convention, w. Denny/Thompson; Lowlands of Holland - John Smith; Just Now - John Martyn; Shuffle Set - The Magpies; Le Poete et la Rose - Les Enfants Terribles; Lagrima - Mr. Sirius; Mouth's Cradle – Bjork.