"How can the church respond?

Engage with The Text

Within religious circles there is a reluctance to talk about sexual violence and abuse. Perhaps due to lack of understanding or a heightened awareness that at times the church has played the role of facilitating or shielding offenders. Perhaps the starting point for the church would be wrestling with the Bible examining sexual violence in biblical passages would be a helpful starting point.


If preaching has the power to speak into individual lives and address topical themes then it follows that pastorally there are no ‘no go’ areas. The #MeToo Movement and sexual abuse cannot remain ‘no go’ areas for the church.


There are many men and women worshipping in churches, affected by sexual abuse. This provides a challenge for those engaged in preparing men and women for Christian ministry. Ministry involves dealing with the world its shortcomings, brokenness and misery as well as with its joys and blessings. Perhaps the curriculum needs to include some input on sexual abuse and violence, as is already the case with grief counselling and mental health.

Find a voice

In October 2017, Gustavus Adolphus Lutheran Church, New York, placed a sign outside the building making a deep theological connection which was shared widely on social media. The sign read ‘Jesus said, as you have done it to them you have done it to me #MeToo’. The sign paraphrased Matthew 25:40. While we can only guess at what the sign’s author intended, it is possible to suggest that the sign was suggesting that Christ stands in solidarity with, and shares the experiences of those, who say #MeToo.

The question should not be if the church should respond but rather, how and when."

It's ay okay for legal authorities, insurance policy experts,  trained psychology-based professionals, abuse prevention experts, anti-abuse activists/advocates, the secular community, and the faith community to war against sexual abuse and abuse of all classifications and more importantly, to comfort and relieve all types of abuse survivors. 




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