This podcast episode is dedicated to my little cousin Baby Jordan. I love you!

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Episode 29: Do You & Light It Up Blue w/ Antonio Myers

***TRIGGER WARNING: Episode features discussion on child sexual abuse and forced religion trauma.

o April is Autism Awareness Month. Show solidarity & Light it Up Blue!

o Who is Antonio Myers? The man, the myth, the legend.

o "Autism is my super blessing!" - Antonio Myers

o High School Valedictorian, World Traveler, Commencement Speaker, Servant Leader, Designated Service Leader Provider & so much more!

o How to stop People pleasing! Think and do for YOU.

o Living a life of oneness and wholeness.

o The rejection of religion.

o Do you have "comfort addiction"?

o Leaving Christianity and embracing secular spirituality.

o Conversion Therapy and why it's B.S. & F'ed up!

o "Black and White thinking leaves no room for empathy." -Antonio Myers

o Toxic forgiveness and when to forgive yourself.

o Antonio's sex abuse story @ 27:00​- 30:30​ minutes

o Autistic people are not asexual! Antonio is a self-proclaimed FREAK!

o Twerkin' Tonio and how he keeps his sex drive in check!

o Tonio says #FuckWithIntegrity​

o Get you a lover with high sensitivity to sensory processing!

o Antonio's Austism Story @ 43:00​ minutes

o How society can best support the Autistic community

o Parents of children with Autism- Be your child's biggest advocate!

o Protect your children. Listen to your children. Choose your children.

o How the church mistreats/ rejects sex abuse victims.

o Sex abuse and manipulation within the church at 1:00:00​

o Love is the Religion. Love is the message. Treat people well and do right.

o If you want to submit your questions to me for advice or feedback, you’re welcome to email me at [email protected] or [email protected]

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Thank you for your love and support! Now go watch it on my CheCheBabe YouTube channel!

With Love, CheChe


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