while undergoing a bit of reconstructive surgery

including modified and oddified sounds extracted from PiL (link leads to video of their live lip[s]hip-syncing appearance on American Bandstand - featuring the songs ODDified in this mix) ::: with voiceover commentary from guru, Alan Watts ::: overlapped with the parallel play of otherworldly space explorations, Becalmed in Amber by Lovecraft's Adjectives ::: and ::: Chrenrezig by Eleven Shadows ::: continuing into noise-sculptures by Kamel Niece ::: and ::: Kit Clayton ::: blending into the electro-acoustic percussive piece, Fork Variable by composer Paul Hogan ::: while grafting Ladytron into the mix with extracts of their song, Destroy Everything You Touch ::: along with the usual sprinkling of sample fairy dust and oh yeah, commentary by Conrad Schnitzler from the fascinating documentary covering Kraftwerk as well as their predecessors and influential contemporaries :::