What do you do when the neighbours try to sabotage the sale of the property? 

As an agent, it is your responsibility to mitigate potential legal risks starting from day one of the campaign. 

Jared Zak, Principal Solicitor and Founder of Dott & Crossitt reveals:

How agents and vendors can resolve neighbour disputes without the intervention of a solicitor Essential questions to ask your vendor upfront to identify and mitigate legal risksHow to prevent collusive practices prior to auction day

And, I share my best advice on how to handle hecklers at an auction ;) 

Jared's advice is crucial you're running an auction campaign, and it can save you the heartache of seeing sales fall apart at the last minute.

Connect with Jared Zak at Dott & Crossitt

*DISCLAIMER: All content featured in this podcast is for educational purposes only. If you are a real estate agent seeking legal advice, please contact 'Dott & Crossitt' (or other solicitors) in relation to any particular matters you or your real estate organisation may have. Tom Panos Pty Ltd will not accept any liability in respect of this communication.Â