Interest rates are high, buyer energy has changed, and vendors aren’t getting record prices. 

You need the right mindset to survive this market. 

Inspired by Joe Polish & Dan Sullivan, here are the 10 Laws for Crazy Times:

00:34 – Law #1: Forget about yourself, focus on others

00:47 – Law #2: Forget about your product, focus on your relationships

01:12 – Law #3: Forget about your sale, focus on creating value

01:44 – Law #4: Forget about your losses, focus on your opportunities

02:11 – Law #5: Forget about your difficulties, focus on your progress

02:38 – Law #6: Forget about the future, focus on today

03:09 – Law #7: Forget about who you were, focus on who you can be

03:41 – Law #8: Forget about your events, focus on your responses

04:41 – Law #9: Forget about what you’re missing, focus on what’s available

05:22 – Law #10: Forget about your complaints, focus on your gratitude

Let's make 2023 the year where your dreams become bigger than your excuses.

I will be your coach for the next 12 months and guide you using evidence-based psychology.

Real Estate Gym doors are now open for New Year intake!