‘Hunter-NonHunter’ Steve Gruber – Episode 628 Why should I listen to this episode- Why fitness and recovery are important aspects of outdoor activities Find out how big a pansy Tom is! What is better, hunting or fishing? Nutritionally speaking, wild game is great for human consumption What is ‘free range organic’ and is it […]
The post Steve Gruber & the ‘NonHunter’ appeared first on Boomers Rock.



Steve Gruber – Episode 628

Why should I listen to this episode-

Why fitness and recovery are important aspects of outdoor activities
Find out how big a pansy Tom is!
What is better, hunting or fishing?
Nutritionally speaking, wild game is great for human consumption
What is ‘free range organic’ and is it for real
And there are plenty of laughs!

Please listen to Tom Matt’s ‘Boomers Rock’ radio talk show, show 26, season 7 syndicated all over Michigan on the Michigan Talk Network, Michigan State Universities 105.1 FM and AM 870 WKAR the Spartan Sports Network SSN/24-7 website (get the app Spartan Fans), and of course  ITunes  (please leave us a review, it really helps the Algorithm ) and here on  April 21st,,  2018 below-

The post Steve Gruber & the ‘NonHunter’ appeared first on Boomers Rock.