‘Repairing Relationships and Marriages’ Dr. Suzanne Phillips – Episode 711 It was awesome to have my old co-host back on the show again! Suzanne B. Phillips Psy.D., ABPP, CGP, FAGPA is a licensed Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Diplomate in Group Psychology, Certified Group Therapist The Host of the weekly Radio show, Psych Up Live , on the Variety […]
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‘Repairing Relationships and Marriages’
Dr. Suzanne Phillips – Episode 711

It was awesome to have my old co-host back on the show again!

Suzanne B. Phillips Psy.D., ABPP, CGP, FAGPA is a licensed Psychologist, Psychoanalyst, Diplomate in Group Psychology, Certified Group Therapist
 The Host of the weekly Radio show, Psych Up Live , on the Variety Channel of Voice America ,International Talk Radio    Close to 100 shows  are available as Podcasts on iTunes, Stitcher, Apple Podcasts, TuneIn, Google Play, Spotify, Apple TV, etc.
Suzanne is the co-author of three books, including Healing Together: A Couple’s Guide to Coping with Trauma and Post-traumatic Stress.
Suzanne blogs for Psych Central under the titles Healing Together For Couples and has over 350 blogs.

Please listen to the   Tom Matt Show , episode 7, season 9 syndicated all over Michigan on the Michigan Talk Network, Michigan State Universities 105.1 FM and AM 870 WKAR the Spartan Sports Network SSN/24-7 website (get the app Spartan Fans), and of course  ITunes  (please leave us a review, it really helps the Algorithm ) broadcast on  November 30th,  2019 below-

And, a shameless plug- Please go grab your copy of our new book ‘Generation Us-Living, Loving, Learning, Building Benevolent Togetherness’ because together we all make a difference.

Thank you and love you all for supporting our dream!

The post Dr. Suzanne Phillips-Making and Breaking appeared first on Boomers Rock.