Bullying & Fat Shaming Dr. Lori Shemek – Episode 703 This episode, (and another that is coming soon) is based on the ‘Bill Maher Fat Shaming’ and James Corden’s response. Please let it be said that as a person who has battled weight issues off and on my entire adult life I am biased […]
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Bullying & Fat Shaming
Dr. Lori Shemek – Episode 703

This episode, (and another that is coming soon) is based on the ‘Bill Maher Fat Shaming’ and  James Corden’s response.  Please let it be said that as a person who has battled weight issues off and on my entire adult life I am biased and convinced that society does not need more shaming.

I view ‘Fat Shaming’ in the same light as racial profiling, ageism and bigotry.  Generation Us is all about inclusion and caring, compassion and empathy period!  Bill Maher was way over the line and should apologize.

“Some amount of shame is good”, according to Mr. Maher, WOW!!!!  If you think you have all the answers, are the smartest guy in the room, are the cutest and funniest than welcome to the land of narcissism and Gaslighting.

Please listen to the   Tom Matt Show , episode 50, season 8 syndicated all over Michigan on the Michigan Talk Network, Michigan State Universities 105.1 FM and AM 870 WKARthe Spartan Sports Network SSN/24-7 website (get the app Spartan Fans), and of course  ITunes  (please leave us a review, it really helps the Algorithm ) broadcast on  October 5th,  2019 below-

And, a shameless plug- Please go grab your copy of our new book ‘Generation Us-Living, Loving, Learning, Building Benevolent Togetherness’ because together we all make a difference.

Thank you and love you all for supporting our dream!

The post Dr. Lori Shemek- Compassion Rules appeared first on Boomers Rock.