This is our unabridged interview with Suzanne Stabile.

What is the Enneagram, and how can it help us live a good life?

“The unexamined life is not worth living,” said Socrates. But if that’s true, how are we to go about examining our lives, and what templates or metrics are we to use?

One of the best places to start, suggests author and speaker Suzanne Stabile, is the ancient wisdom tool known as the Enneagram. What at first glance seems like a Myers-Briggs-esque personality test for grouping humanity into neat piles is actually a tool for observing our way of seeing and being in the world and helps us see that not everyone experiences the world in the same way. Using the Enneagram, she says, “I teach people who they're not. I don't teach people who they are.” In this episode, she gives an overview of the ways in which the Enneagram just might help us become more understanding, compassionate, holistic people.

Show Notes:

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Resources mentioned this episode

The Road Back to You by Suzanne Stabile and Ian Cron

The Path Between Us by Suzanne Stabile

The Enneagram Journey podcast

Suzanne’s website

PDF of Lee’s Interview Notes

Transcript for Abridged Episode

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