How do you accept yourself fully, just as you are? And if you did, would you ever grow? 

“Being at peace with how we are in the moment is the precondition to transformation,” says psychologist and meditation teacher Tara Brach. 

In this episode she provides us with a simple practice to find peace and transformation known by the acronym RAIN. 

“We have amazing potential to change some of the habits that cause ourselves or others harm,” she says, “but we won't be able to access that if we're at war with ourselves.” Hear Tara’s stories from a life of practicing mindfulness, putting on display the wisdom and healing that come from pausing to accept the world as it is.

This episode contains a brief mention of disordered eating. If you are in need of support, contact the National Alliance for Eating Disorders at 1-866-662-1235

Show Notes

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Resources mentioned this episode

Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

When Things Fall Apart by Pema Chodron

RAIN meditation with Tara Brach

Tonglen meditation with Pema Chodron

PDF of Lee’s Interview Notes

Transcription Link

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