Whether a token issuer wants to launch a private sale with 10 investors or a public sale with 10,000 investors, the goal of CoinList is to help that issuer succeed by managing capital formation and building community.

A trusted platform

CoinList is a trusted platform for running compliant token sales. CoinList’s infrastructure has supported over $400 million in investments for over 30 token sale projects since August 2017.

Some of the projects that have run token sales on CoinList include Filecoin, Origin, Props, and Blockstack.

President and co-founder Andy Bromberg has been in the space for a long time. He was excited about Bitcoin early on at Stanford, where he founded the Stanford Bitcoin Club in 2013, and he has insightful perspectives on the crypto ecosystem.

Managing token sales and handling compliance

“In the token space there is a lot of innovation happening at the legal structure level,” says Andy, “and you’ve got to get comfortable with how that’s happening, or trust someone that is an expert in that to understand the diligence there.”

CoinList today offers four services that center around two pillars. The first pillar is capital formation, sales and fundraising, for which they offer a basic or full-service option.

CoinList doesn’t believe that the logistics of a token sale should be a core competency for token issuers. They should be focused on building a product and building technology, and not focused on the minutiae of running a sale.

Engaging the community

The second pillar is building community. For this they also have two products. One is their Airdrops product, and the other is CoinList Build, their hackathon product.

The Airdrops product is about conducting compliant airdrops, giving away tokens to users to help bootstrap networks.

CoinList Build, a product to help projects host online hackathons, was also just launched. “One thing we kept hearing from token issuers was, we need help building a developer community,” says Andy.

They recently ran their first hackathon with 0x, and developers all over the world participated. People have created some incredibly high quality projects in just one month, and CoinList will be awarding meaningful prizes to the best.

Key takeaways:

CoinList is the trusted platform for running compliant token sales;
Token projects face an incredible amount of regulatory uncertainty and compliance when launching a token sale and are strongly advised to work with a platform like CoinList to launch compliantly;
Coinlist is successfully launching new community building projects, including the recent platform to manage developer hackathons.