Drawing on Chapter 15 "The Evolution of Culture" from "The Beginning of Infinity" by David Deutsch and then applying it to some special cases.

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00:00 Speech, Trade and Democracy

02:39 Is Democracy under attack?

07:05 Free Speech as Error Identification

09:14 Limits on Free Speech?

13:02 Case Study 1: North Korea

14:18 Case Study 2: Afghanistan and Iraq

17:30 Case Study 3: South Korea

19:43 Case Study 4: China

24:43 The Evolution of Culture by David Deutsch 1

29:43 Protecting liberty in Western Nations

30:30 Bringing Liberty to nations without it.

32:25 Case Study 5: Japan

35:01 Immigration: Why worry?

35:58 The Evolution of Culture by David Deutsch 2

39:01 Preserve the means of error correction at all costs

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