I recommend the version found here that contains visuals and music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlvgxEBekP4

However the same message will come through on this audio only podcast.


Full Credit for all ideas to:

James (Jim) Pierce

Naval and Nivi


David Deutsch

With mistakes all my own


See also James' website (and relevant article) here: https://www.james-pierce.com/writings/effortless-stoicism

His instagram account including the original "Effortless Stoicism" video here: https://www.instagram.com/p/CuuDzL9sKOG/

His Twitter and relevant thread here: https://twitter.com/jimmpierce/status/1190810962493788160?s=20


Naval and Nivi's work on "How to get rich" where you can download their podcast from Naval's website here: https://nav.al/rich


Or the Youtube version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-TZqOsVCNM


See also Akira The Don's outstanding magical version along with other original music featuring Naval here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nX7x9AzwUTaGMFNVAxrLNXUJrKFotQ84Y


And my new favorite Naval/Nivi/Akira song here: https://www.meaningwave.com/blogs/meaningwave/akira-the-don-naval-ravikant-ft-nivi-you-will-need-to-rent-your-time-to-get-started-single

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