Scouted by a mysterious and futuristic record label, the Toho Gang finally make it big! Get ready for a New Wave musical adventure with disco balls, zombies, and teleporting cars in this 80s spectacle. It’s Episode 52: THE LEGEND OF THE STARDUST BROTHERS! Directed by Makoto Tezuka, Starring Shingo Kubota, Kan Takagi, Kyoko Togawa, Issay, […]

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Scouted by a mysterious and futuristic record label, the Toho Gang finally make it big! Get ready for a New Wave musical adventure with disco balls, zombies, and teleporting cars in this 80s spectacle. It’s Episode 52: THE LEGEND OF THE STARDUST BROTHERS! Directed by Makoto Tezuka, Starring Shingo Kubota, Kan Takagi, Kyoko Togawa, Issay, and Kiyohiko Ozaki

The One Piece Podcast · Toho Yaro- Legend Of The Stardust Brothers

The post Toho Yaro #52, “The Legend of the Stardust Brothers” appeared first on Toho Yaro.