The thing about the choice to stay or to go in any given relationship, is that we can never know what might have been. There’s no control group to test against for happiness in our life choices. We only know what’s right here, right now.

Our guests this week – Thomas and Lauren – are facing that question of choice. How do you know when it’s right, and how do you know when it’s wrong? In some sense, you can’t know - you just have to take action.

In other news, we're planning a relationship retreat, and we'd love your help getting it right. If you have the time, please fill out a one minute survey to help us make this the best it can be. Here's a link to the survey:

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Please don't be shy about letting us know what you think of our program. We love hearing from you. You can email Erik at [email protected]. Or contact us on our Facebook page, on Twitter, or on Instagram @together_show.

The music on today’s episode was provided courtesy of Squire Tuck. You can find him at

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